News Archive
April 1, 2025 Public Meeting Notice
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 284 (HCMUD 284) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
Storm Drains Are Not Trash Cans!
Harris County Municipal Utility District 284 wants residents to understand how stormwater runoff can carry harmful chemicals and substances into the environment and infrastructure and how residents can help protect the environment from its harmful effects.
March 4, 2025 Regular Meeting Notice
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 284 (HCMUD 284) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
February 4, 2025 Public Meeting Notice
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 284 (HCMUD 284) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
Best Trash Inclement Weather Operations Notice
Due to circumstances beyond our control, Best Trash will be closed for regular operations tomorrow, Wednesday, January 22, 2025.
Preparing Pipes for the Winter
When water freezes, it expands and sometimes leaves behind broken pipes and costly bills regarding the lost water.
Reminder! Property Taxes are Due
Property taxes for residents in the state of Texas are due on January 31, 2025.
January 7, 2025 Regular Meeting Notice
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 284 (HCMUD 284) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
8 Helpful Ideas for Winterizing Your Home:
Winters in Texas have become unpredictable. With extreme highs and extreme lows in recent years, preparing your home for the winter months has proven to be vital. Preparation is easy and effective with a few simple steps.
Home Safety Tips for Resident Holiday Travel
Holidays are a prime time for vacations. Unfortunately, it is also a prime time for residential burglaries. Here are some helpful ideas to protect your home and deter criminals:
Beware of "F.O.G." Fat, Oil, and Grease
As the holiday season approaches, the Board of Directors for Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 284 would like to remind residents about an important issue that can negatively impact your sewer systems: F.O.G. – fat, oil, and grease.
December 3, 2024 Public Meeting Notice
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 284 (HCMUD 284) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
November 5th Regular Meeting Notice
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 284 (HCMUD 284) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
Beware of Jugging
As residents begin holiday shopping, the District wants residents to be aware of jugging.
Wow! What a great night for National Night Out 2024!
Harris County MUD 284 and Windstone Colony would like to share the success of National Night Out 2024 with all our wonderful residents. A special thank you to the Harris County Sheriff’s office and Cy-Fair Fire Department!
October 1st Public Meeting Notice
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 284 (HCMUD 284) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
Water Conservation
Water Conservation does not require you to dramatically change your lifestyle overnight, but it does require each of us to become more aware of how and why we are using our water.
National Night Out 2024 is October 1st!
Come out and meet your neighbors and local first responders Tuesday, October 1st, 2024, from 5-8 pm, at Windstone Colony Pool Complex.
September 3rd Regular Meeting Notice
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 284 (HCMUD 284) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
Pardon Our Dust
The Windstone Colony "North Park" (behind the pool) will be closed starting on 8/19/2024. The park will be closing to allow work to begin on the all-new park and Administration Building!
What Is the West Harris County Regional Water Authority Fee?
Newer residents within HC 284 have asked, “What is this WHCRWA fee on my bill?!” The Board of Directors for HC 284 wanted to provide some guidance on where to find the information regarding the West Harris County Regional Water Authority (“WHCRWA”) fee, as well as the organization levying it on your monthly bills.
August 16th Public Meeting Notice
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 284 (HCMUD 284) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 284 Resident Update – TS Beryl
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 284 (HCMUD 284) Board of Directors would like to remind residents of the information posted to the District website in regards to hurricane awareness and preparedness, ahead of TS Beryl making landfall Monday morning, July 8 2024.
July 12th Regular Meeting Notice
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 284 (HCMUD 284) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
Request a Summer Vacation Residence Watch
As a resident of Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 284 (HCMUD 284) you have access to free vacation watches by Harris County Sheriff’s Office.
June 4th Regular Meeting Notice
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 284 (HCMUD 284) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
2024 Hurricane Preparedness
Hurricane Season officially begins June 1 and last through November 30. Unfortunately, this close to the Gulf of Mexico, it only takes one storm to change your life and community.
May 7th Regular Meeting Notice
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 284 (HCMUD 284) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
“Flushable Wipes” Are Not Flushable!
Disposable items labeled as “flushable” such as “flushable wipes”, wet wipes, sanitary napkins, and/or paper towels cannot be flushed down the toilet safely.
April 2nd Regular Meeting Notice
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 284 (HCMUD 284) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
Storm Drains Are Not Trash Cans!
Have you ever wondered where the storm drains lead? Or where the detergent goes that runs down the driveway after you wash your car?
March 5th Regular Meeting Notice
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 284 (HCMUD 284) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
February 6th Regular Meeting Notice
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 284 (HCMUD 284) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
Winter Weather Update
Update: January 14, 7:00 pm - Winter Weather Advisory: The National Weather Service (NWS) has put southeast Texas in a winter weather advisory from 6 PM tonight through 6 PM Monday;
How Are My Taxes Calculated?
Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 284 (Harris County MUD 284) wants residents to understand how property taxes are calculated in Texas.
Winterizing Your Home
How do you winterize your home? Protecting your home can be as easy as remembering the Five P’s for the winter.
January 2nd Regular Meeting Notice
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 284 (HCMUD 284) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
December 5th Regular Meeting Notice
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 284 (HCMUD 284) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
Home Safety Tips for Resident Holiday Travel
Holidays are a prime time for vacations. Unfortunately, it is also a prime time for residential burglaries.
Beware of "F.O.G." Fat, Oil and Grease
Many Harris County MUD 284 residents have been cooking at home far more than they had previously, and this comes with a certain amount of cooking waste.
November 7th Regular Meeting Notice
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 284 (HCMUD 284) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
Wow! What a great night for National Night Out 2023!
Harris County MUD 284 and Windstone Colony would like to share the success of National Night Out 2023 with all our wonderful residents. A special thank you to the Harris County Sheriff’s office and Cy-Fair Fire Department!
October 3rd Regular Meeting Notice
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 284 (HCMUD 284) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
New Administration Building and Park Upgrades Under Development
Harris County MUD 284 as developing a new Administration Building as well as exciting new upgrades to the Park.
National Night Out - October 3rd
September 18th Special Meeting Notice
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 284 (HCMUD 284) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
September 5th Regular Meeting Notice
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 284 (HCMUD 284) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
Harris County MUD 284 - Water Restrictions in Effect
Stage 1 has been triggered for Harris County MUD 284. This stage is voluntary to help lessen the peak demand.
June 27th Special Meeting Notice
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 284 (HCMUD 284) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
June 6th Regular Meeting Notice
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 284 (HCMUD 284) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
Waste Collection Update
Residents of Harris County MUD No. 284, beginning on Saturday June 3rd, Best Trash will be your new trash & recycling collection provider
May 2nd Regular Meeting Notice
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 284 (HCMUD 284) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
April 4th Regular Meeting Notice
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 284 (HCMUD 284) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
March 7th Regular Meeting Notice
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 284 (HCMUD 284) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
February 7th Regular Meeting Notice
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 284 (HCMUD 284) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
January 3rd Regular Meeting Notice
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 284 (HCMUD 284) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
Cold Weather Advisory
Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 284 (HCMUD 284) would like to advise residents of potential winter weather and cold conditions coming Thursday evening (12/22) and continuing to Friday morning (12/23)…
December 6th Regular Meeting Notice
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 284 (HCMUD 284) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
November 1st Regular Meeting Notice
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 284 (HCMUD 284) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
October 4th Regular Meeting Notice
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 284 (HCMUD 284) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
September 6th Regular Meeting Notice
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 284 (HCMUD 284) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
HCMUD 284 Resident Notice - City of Katy Water System
Dear residents, it has come to our attention the City of Katy has elevated to and implemented Stage 2 of their Drought Contingency Plan, making it mandatory to restrict water usage. This notification applies only to residents and businesses who receive water from the City of Katy infrastructure.
HCMUD 284 - Stage 1 Drought Contingency in Effect
Currently the Houston area is experiencing hotter and drier than normal weather conditions, which have resulted in an increased demand on our water system especially in peak hours.
August 2nd Regular Meeting Notice
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 284 (HCMUD 284) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
July 5th Regular Meeting Notice
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 284 (HCMUD 284) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
June 7th Regular Meeting Notice
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 284 (HCMUD 284) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
May 3rd Regular Meeting Notice
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 284 (HCMUD 284) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
Election Information
Información Electoral
Thông tin bầu cub
HCMUD 284 – Bond Election Resident Educational Event Recap
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 284 (HCMUD 284) Board of Directors held an educational open house at the Windstone Colony HOA Easter Carnival on April 9th, 2022, at 3:00 p.m.
HCMUD 284 – Bond Authorization Election Resident Education Event
The Board of Directors for Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 284 (HCMUD 284) is pleased to invite District residents to join District consultants to discuss the propositions on the upcoming May 7th, 2022 ballot relative to HCMUD 284.
HCMUD 284 – Evento educativo para residentes sobre la Elección de Autorización de Bonos
La Junta Directiva del Distrito de Servicios Públicos Municipales Nro. 284 del Condado de Harris (HCMUD 284) tiene el agrado de invitar a los residentes del Distrito a que acompañen a los consultores del Distrito para hablar sobre las proposiciones de la boleta del próximo 7 de mayo de 2022 referente al HCMUD 284.
HCMUD 284 – Sự Kiện Công Cấp Thông Tin cho Cư Dân về Cuộc Bầu Cử Cho Phép Phát Hành Trái Phiếu
Ban Giám Đốc của Cơ Quan Dịch Vụ Tiện Ích Thành Phố Số 284 Quận Harris (HCMUD 284) xin trân trọng kính mời các cư dân của Cơ Quan cùng tham gia với các cố vấn Cơ Quan để thảo luận về các kế hoạch đề nghị có trên lá phiếu của cuộc bầu cử sắp diễn ra vào ngày 7 tháng Năm, 2022 liên quan đến HCMUD 284.
HCMUD 284 – 債券授權選舉居民宣講活動
Harris縣市政公用事業區第284區董事會(下稱HCMUD 284)誠邀本區居民加入本區顧問的行列,一同討論即將到來的2022年5月7日選舉選票上與HCMUD 284有關的提案。
April 5th Regular Meeting Notice
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 284 (HCMUD 284) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
HCMUD 284 – Resident Virtual Election Discussion
Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 284 (HCMUD 284) welcomes residents to join a virtual election discussion to cover topics related to the May 7, 2022 Bond Authorization Election.
HCMUD 284 – Debate virtual para residentes sobre la elección
El Distrito de Servicios Públicos Municipales Nro. 284 del Condado de Harris (HCMUD 284) invita a los residentes a participar en un debate virtual sobre la elección en el que se abordarán temas relacionados con la Elección de Autorización de Bonos del 7 de mayo de 2022.
HCMUD 284 - Buổi Thảo luận Trực Tuyến Cho Cư Dân về Cuộc Bầu Cử
Cơ Quan Dịch Vụ Tiện Ích Thành Phố Số 284 Quận Harris (HCMUD 284) hoan nghênh cư dân tham gia buổi thảo luận trực tuyến về cuộc bầu cử để đề cập đến các chủ đề liên quan đến Cuộc Bầu cử Ủy Quyền Trái Phiếu ngày 7 tháng Năm, 2022.
HCMUD 284 – 居民虛擬選舉討論會
Harris縣市政公用事業區第284區(HCMUD 284)歡迎居民加入虛擬選舉討論會,討論與2022年5月7日債券授權選舉有關的話題。
March 1st Regular Meeting Notice
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 284 (HCMUD 284) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
New Website is Live!
We are happy to announce our new website is now live! Please take a few minutes to look around and be sure to spot the following pages.